So as expected and true to their words, they did the plumbing and delivered the pods sometime this morning as Master G was up there waiting for the concreter (barn) to arrive and get the pad ready for the slab
Apparently when he arrived he wasn't too happy with the levels and asked them to be lowered
I wont go into the details of conversation but suffice to say, it apparently wasn't pleasant!
In the end, Master G had it lowered around 100mm and set back a little so it didn't mean a whole lot of retaining walls later....which is probably a good thing anyways
Thank goodness for our developer (who is eventually demolishing the original home and building a new one) coming to the rescue and got one of his guys to come and level the pad out to the concreters specs!
He has honestly been a god send in making sure everything runs smoothly for not just us but the whole estate (14 lots in total) and making sure that every home built will compliment each others
Master G checked up on the guys who were still finishing off the formwork on the house so it was ready for the concrete pour on Friday
Now that I'm back at work it's hard to go up to the block to see the progress so I will have to make do with my days off so I can take some pics and check out the progress
I've got Friday and Saturday off this week so be warned..there will be loads of pics to post I'm sure
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